woensdag 30 oktober 2013

mental illnesses will the future give us?

Very wide topic about what mental illnesses will the future give us?


Weird thoughts

Everybody is becoming longer, live longer/againg. So how are childeren around 6-10, already had sex or, is also this changing?

Mental health services are currently straining at the seams. Yet they face even greater pressures in the future, including a growing, and ageing, population; persistently high prevalence rates of mental disorders among adults and children; increasing levels of co-morbid mental and physical health problems; and funding constraints that are likely to last for many years.  


dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

Most diagnosed Mental Disorders

Stages in Mental illnesses

Goldberg & Huxley modelhttp://www.dialogues-cns.com/figures/DialoguesClinNeurosci-7-53-g005.jpg
Here's another one, a TedTalk of Eleanor Longden, who had schitzofrenia (how do you write that?) and now helps others with this mental illness

Illness of the brain

And of course this one of Thomas Insel, who explains that mental illness is actually an illness of the brain, AND he asks the question: 'What if we would detect the illness in an early stage?'


(from Takahiro) 
Deuteropathy:an autistic people tend to emerge mental illness, because a lot of people don't understand about development disorder exactly.

zondag 20 oktober 2013

Mental health and smoking

Mental health and smoking

If you have a mental illness, you are more likely to smoke. 42% of all cigarettes smoked in England are by people with mental health problems.

The more you smoke, the more likely you are to:
  • develop a mental illness – but it's unclear why
  • feel anxious or depressed
  • think about suicide - and to go on to commit suicide
  • use more drugs and alcohol – which can make a mental health problem worse.
Overall, if you have a mental health problem and smoke, you are more likely to have poor general health – it's one of the main reasons why people with a mental health problem tend to die younger.


vrijdag 18 oktober 2013

Real humans feeling for robots(hubots)

Small part that I ripped from the Swedish serie Real humans, (Season 01 ep 03). Having feelings for robots. Or Hubots that they are called in the serie. (Äkta människor)

Topics Research #2 Seasons in future global warming

I just found this article, sorry Takahiro, it is in Dutch, but it tells about an research by Google about mental illnesses. In winter the percentage of people that is searching about mental illnesses (especially about eating disorders and schizophrenia) on google is 40% higher that in summertime. Winterdepressions are coused by the low amount of sunlight in winter, but with mental disorders scientists are not sure.


Mental health for all by involving all


Nearly 450 million people are affected by mental illness worldwide. In wealthy nations, just half receive appropriate care, but in developing countries, close to 90 percent go untreated because psychiatrists are in such short supply. Vikram Patel outlines a highly promising approach -- training members of communities to give mental health interventions, empowering ordinary people to care for others.

Topics Research #1 Religion

(Dutch) Talking about religion and suicide. How is religion still involved in the future, in 50 -100 years.